Odessa region is a unique region. It is a logistics center of Ukraine, a modern highly developed industrial complex, one of the leaders in the production of agricultural and food products, as well as a region where innovative projects are successfully developed. The potential for the production of competitive products in the Odessa region already far exceeds the country's domestic needs.
To meet the needs and solve the problems of exporters in Odessa region, the Export Support Center opens its doors to entrepreneurs who need assistance in carrying out export activities.
The global mission of the Export Support Center is to create and maintain the reputation of Odessa region abroad as a region where quality products are produced, where entrepreneurs with a positive business history work, where the economic and investment climate promotes long-term partnerships.
The main goals of the Center::
- increasing the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized businesses in international markets;
- stimulation of export activity among producers of Odessa region;
- increasing the level of knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs in the field of foreign economic activity.
To achieve these goals we:
- we present the Odessa region and its producers at international exhibitions and in relations with foreign partners;
- we provide comprehensive assistance to Odessa entrepreneurs at any stage of export activity;
- we conduct training activities on topical issues of foreign economic activity.
The team of the Export Support Center consists of specialists from various fields of foreign economic activity, who are called to change the perception that exports are available only to big business. That is why we help small and medium enterprises to find the necessary resources to carry out foreign economic activity, study markets and analyze trade trends, build a successful export strategy of enterprises and legally, organizationally, technically support them in entering foreign global markets.
Successful exports are preceded by a well-developed strategy, careful preparation, quality product and good business reputation.
We work for your success!