Odessa region is located on the Black Sea coast. According to its geographical location, Odessa region is the sea gate of the state, which gives Odessa region a powerful export and import potential.

In the Odessa region there are ideal natural and climatic conditions that favorably affect the development of agro-industrial complex. Odessa region is one of the most attractive regions of Ukraine in terms of its tourist and recreational potential. It should also be noted that the Odessa region has a well-developed infrastructure, actively strengthening the food, energy and metallurgical industries.

Due to the peculiarities of economic and geographical location, developed transport network, the presence of natural and cultural monuments, favorable conditions are created, which make Odessa region one of the most promising regions of Ukraine for the development of foreign economic activity.


Carrying out market research

  • Analytical review and marketing researches of interregional and foreign markets of goods

Review of potential markets

  • Conducting marketing researches in order to detect the most perspective markets

Market value of goods

  • Research and monitoring of market value and level of indicative prices on domestic and foreign markets

Uniqueness of goods

  • Determination of good’s uniqueness on the market as well as analysis of foreign competitors.

Analysis of export potential

  • Estimation of production capacities
  • Analysis of human and financial resources

Organization of export strategies

  • Consultation on organization of export strategies and mechanism of price formation
  • Development of an export plan together with the enterprise
  • Application of measures to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise

Identification of market entry conditions

  • Analysis of legal requirements of goods and enterprises
  • Providing information on trade regulations, laws and customs of foreign countries
  • Providing consultation on documents required for export procedure
  • Providing information on tariff regulation, size of quotas, taxes, duties, terms of tariff and non-tariff regulations

Identification of good’s requirements

  • Providing information on conformity of goods to the requirements of directives and standards of counterparty countries

Search of counterparties

  • Search of foreign buyers- counterparties
  • Providing of information on trades in Ukrainian and world exchanges
  • Formation of list of contacts of counterparties
  • Conducting of business meetings
  • Helping on formation and promotion of commercial offers of an enterprise

Establishing contacts and verification of partners

  • Establishing of initial contacts with counterparties
  • Checking the reliability of partners


  • Conducting negotiations with counterparties
  • Presentation of company materials
  • Organization of business meetings
  • Implementation of pre-contract work (harmonization of conditions, making draft of a contract etc.)

Preparation of goods for export. Logistics.

  • Drawing up of appropriate documents (Invoice, Carnet TIR, CMR, etc.)
  • Providing consultations in the field of logistics

Drawing up a contract

  • Pre-contractual support
  • Commercial negotiations
  • Agreeing on the text of the contract
  • Signing a contract

Assistance in trademarks registration

  • Registration of the corresponding application documentation
  • Submitting a trademark registration application to the appropriate authority

Assistance in product traceability and product certification

Organization of training and events

  • Conducting trainings on FEA issues
  • PR-support, advertising and publishing activities
  • Participation in the catalog of the region export-oriented enterprises
  • Participation in international exhibitions and forums

Потенціал Одеської області

Одеська область розташована на березі Чорного моря. За своїм географічним положенням Одеська область є морськими воротами держави, що наділяє Одещину могутнім експортно-імпортним потенціалом.

В Одеській області є ідеальні природно-кліматичні умови, які сприятливо впливають на розвиток аграрно-промислового комплексу. Одеський регіон- один з привабливіших  регіонів України за своїм туристично-рекреаційним потенціалом. Слід також зазначити, що в Одеському регіоні добре розвинута інфраструктура, активно зміцнюються харчова, енергетична та металургійна промисловість.

Завдяки особливостям економіко-географічного розташування, розвинутої транспортної мережі, наявності пам’яток природи та культури створюються сприятливі передумови, які тим самим роблять Одеську область  одним із найперспективніших регіонів України щодо розвитку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності.


About us

Odessa region is a unique region.  It is a logistics center of Ukraine, a modern highly developed industrial complex, one of the leaders in the production of agricultural and food products, as well as a region where innovative projects are successfully developed. The potential for the production of competitive products in the Odessa region already far exceeds the country's domestic needs.

To meet the needs and solve the problems of exporters in Odessa region, the Export Support Center opens its doors to entrepreneurs who need assistance in carrying out export activities.

The global mission of the Export Support Center is to create and maintain the reputation of Odessa region abroad as a region where quality products are produced, where entrepreneurs with a positive business history work, where the economic and investment climate promotes long-term partnerships.

The main goals of the Center::

  • increasing the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized businesses in international markets;
  • stimulation of export activity among producers of Odessa region;
  • increasing the level of knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs in the field of foreign economic activity.

To achieve these goals we:

  • we present the Odessa region and its producers at international exhibitions and in relations with foreign partners;
  • we provide comprehensive assistance to Odessa entrepreneurs at any stage of export activity;
  • we conduct training activities on topical issues of foreign economic activity.

The team of the Export Support Center consists of specialists from various fields of foreign economic activity, who are called to change the perception that exports are available only to big business. That is why we help small and medium enterprises to find the necessary resources to carry out foreign economic activity, study markets and analyze trade trends, build a successful export strategy of enterprises and legally, organizationally, technically support them in entering foreign global markets.

Successful exports are preceded by a well-developed strategy, careful preparation, quality product and good business reputation.


We work for your success!


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